Greetings, my name, my Earthly name is Andrew Eldon
Martin Purdy, this may all feel much like a letter to you, it is
intended to, not to boast, not in any way, but the concepts and
message I relay is not of my own, I am simply not good enough for it
to be, I am being up front about things now, to make it clear what
you are hearing (reading).. It is a letter guided by and from the
Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha' Qodesh, thee mind and spirit of the Most High
God, the one true God- Yahweh, Adonai, Ahayah, I Am.. Elohim.
I want you who are hearing (reading) this to understand
who I am in this- I am a messenger, I am a student of the Holy
Spirit, I learned who I was through a very rigidly measured scripted
path, I have been shown my true Identity, I am a Prophet of Yah and
my old identity as a creative writer was set in motion by my most
wonderful Father God, I am most thankful, no matter what I can say
about myself, All Glory goeth to the Head of Days, my Abba.
I once was like you, someone roaming the Inter-Net,
searching for the truth, I initially only wanted a brand of truth, I
saw there were evil men but I did not think there was true Evil
forces to speak of..
I was wrong.
The old “Andrew”- he sought throughout the depths of
the circuited canals, what the so called 'Conspiracy buff', 'Truther
movement' people refer to as the “Rabbit Hole” and he had no idea
it was written.. In true reality I am a son of God, my Ancestors, the
Hebrews of old, they knew my Father and I was destined to know Him
the same way.
Why 'He', this 3rd person jargon?.. Because
what the Holy Bible refers to as a Rebirth of a man is a very, very
real thing.. I am no longer the person that posted “How I Found
God” a 7 part series I created a year ago or so, this, this stands
as it's own entity, this what I call “Destroy the Eye” but it
also stands as an Epilogue to my other creations, I'll leave them up
and issue this and by the grace of the Holy Spirit it will find the
ears that it's meant for.
The old me saw the clip from “They Live” I've
included at the intro and thought it was a clue, this me, the real me
knows that, that clip bears the most pertinent of truths about our
society altogether.
I watched it all, and I watched it again, I studied the
reason the Illuminati exists, they do, they do exist.
And I tread into where they get their name, it does
indeed come from the one once named Lucifer, the “Light Bearer.”
Ole me wondered why all these men were worshiping a
false 'god' but also asked why these men in total infallible power
over Government, Education and Entertainment as a whole would worship
a fictional being, this “Satan” 'persona.'
The curious soul I was didn't think true Evil could
exist.. But no, no, the reason these 'men' worship their “Lucifer”
is for that reason, they wouldn't worship something make believe.
Neither would I.
The clip at the beginning here, the intro to this
gallery and monologue, I wrote to listen, what that blind Preacher is
saying is the truth I learned through and all the way through.
Through the avenue of “Conspiracy theory” I
ultimately dug my way to a plateau, all of us 'looney bins' out here
talk about reaching the convex of the “Rabbit Hole” but for me I
found a deep embedded pathway that lead to thee light.
I now happily live in “They Live.”
I mean what I say in all- these things, they are not
“theory” at this point, they are not my “opinion”- they are
fact and knowledge and this is my best way of passing it on.
Old me had perhaps heard second hand Biblical wordings,
just notions, I believe the most the atheist I was read of the book
we call the Holy Bible was parts of Revelation.
Overall what I knew of the Bible could fill a thimble, I
was ignorant to it as most are and since I had no understanding I
took Ha' Satan's vile bait and became a Bible Basher.. Well, now I am
a Bible “Thumper” to the MAX.. And doubt it not one iota.
Overall my entire awakening was a huge flip, and now I
knoweth it is no mistake.
The things that got my attention to the Bible were
understandings I learned in a process of what then was mostly in
actuality just a “Hobby”- they were few but they were definite,
besides seeing blood rivers with my own eyes and having a faint
memory of that being spoken of in the Scripture somewhere, I learned
what a blood river type event signifies and having a very vague idea
of that Prophecy of this book was probable and it was meant as
warning I gave the Bible the time of day, the time of day that I
should have given it a long, long time ago.
I found out in my overall studies that this Satan entity
was made to warn the children of Earth, of his intentions, of his
I found out that this Satan in every way conceivable has
imitated the true one Creator, it was a promise he made and all in
all I have tracked that promise out, I can say, he has kept that
wicked promise.
As a writer I had delved into tracing etymology, the
meanings of words and in part of that I learned to work with words in
backwards fashion, it was a big part of my characters and plots,
dualities is what I was centered on.
And I learned that this Satan, which only means
Adversary, the Accuser was all about this, it was a break through I
had, in seeking patterns through esoteric symbols and exoteric
definitions I latched onto one very certain ideology, that this Satan
entity was very real and the way he witnesses and receives this
reality is always in reverse.. Aleister Crowley the tool shepherd of
blasphemy that has inspired most all 'Entertainers' called this “Law
of Thelema”.. Turns out old me was a practicing Satanist all along,
ever since age 15, 16.. Totally clueless.
For a long time I'd known Witches were supposed to have
used onyx mirrors, never had I fathomed I'd one day come to know that
that Sorcery is very real, the realization struck me as I watched one
video in particular- “Yes we can” being played in reverse to
reveal the Back-masked message...
This is truly what ultimately lead to my true awakening
but the awakening wasn't finished until I was able to build a strong
relationship with the Holy Spirit who is ever Realer to me than
anything else, even though I've never once seen Him.. And I've not
heard Ruach's voice, one does not technically hear Him, one takes in
resolute overlays of text directly entered into the heart and it is
done with the utmost love and care.
Bottom line- it's my turn to be that blind Preacher from
that clip.
Here I will recite Scripture, it is key to absolutely
everything any, ANY presentation like this out there pursues to UNDER
Matthew 4:1 - 11
Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness
to be tempted of the devil.
And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.
And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,
And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.
And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,
And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written,
Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered
unto him.
It is this part of Scripture that tripped me, when I
really gave it it's time, it worked on me.. This is what I offer or
amend to recommend, it explains the whole of everything we've ever
thought we've known.. I say “thought we've known”.
Old me, he struggled to grasp what this text meant in
scope of understanding, a thundering understanding, that what we call
the “Holy Bible” is a story of all stories set to an ongoing
script, the Bible can be used in defining one's entire reality.. And
in reality, this “Lucifer”, this Satan, he rules the world, he
runs the whole show..
But why?.. And how?
I HAD to know.. I knew deep down that this could answer
every question I ever had about anything, from JFK's assassination to
why on Earth does WWW = 666, and WHY does that matter!?
New me, re-birthed in the blood sacrificed purchase of
Christ Jesus, Yeshua Ha' Mashiach, King of Kings, Lord of all Lords
knows exactly what happened up on that high mountain, it really is
key to absolutely everything that we have ever, ever and ever been a
part of as a whole.
It took time, it took work to really grasp that what I
was doing was speaking inwardly to my Creator, I actually had no idea
that the Bible describes what I went through, but it does, and He,
who they call the Holy Spirit lead me to trusting the Bible, out of
the process of understanding what I was understanding truly was not
of my own merit and how that humbled me, AFTER I had actually
understood who was being tempted up on that mountain in that verse
and had devoted my spirit to His Will was I given the key to how one
is supposed to read ALL Scripture.
I understood that He who was tempted up into that high
mountain was thee Creator, that's what it took to truly grasp what is
going on in that Scripture.
Read between the lines and know that what you are
reading in Scripture is the account of a mind, thee original of all
minds- that exists despite all else, outside time itself and this is
what you find out happened on that mountain..
Yeshua, Jesus in performing His purpose and focused on
His goal to live in perfect harmony and obedience to Father God in
Heaven has to release all of Earth to Ha' Satan, for Adam's original
betrayal still stands, all men, everyone who ever lives in flesh will
be at one time tempted by Satan, no exclusions.
Satan is most, most vile, his persona is one of complete
and aggressive Pride, the entire time on that mountain with Yeshua,
do you know what the actual Temptation was?
It was a murderer and liar that has legal rights over
your children giving you one chance to stop the war they are held
ransom to, just one bow, just one show of worship.. That's all it
You see Satan never cared about the fortune and fame and
empires he has had all power over, he wants the one true God to say
he's His equal.
Those in the valleys and plains stretching out under
that mountain were being threatened, do you see?.. Satan was throwing
it all in Yeshua's face.. “I can kill them, I can torture them..
They will all suffer”.. “But not if you give it up now.. You can
have them back.”
Yeshua, the Creator of ALL in thee flesh, no matter how
hard it hurt, no matter how much He wanted to do it, to just take His
children back then, His Father's children... He couldn't.. It is most
grievous of Sins to worship any other 'god' than your Father in
This is the litmus, one... Just one, one living human
had to face the whole gauntlet for everyone else that ever, ever
existed.. Father God in Heaven is perfect, altogether Holy, Yeshua,
Jesus, His exact reflection in the flesh could not take any easy way
out, His Father's laws must be upheld, fully.. By one.
Do you see how Matthew 4 bothered me?.. Do you see why I
demanded to understand it?
I've been through a great deal in my awakening, each
step breath taking and mind blowing.
What the Bible calls the Quickening, a time like no
other, no, none other, a time when men were to be foretold to “Go
to and Fro”.. “Expanding knowledge”.. (Click, click, click)..
It has been a wonderful and wild ride.
I can seat myself before any of you and without a shred
of arrogance and without any attack of doubt I can look into your
very eyes and tell you the truth of this entire reality, it's very
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